Dream Symbols Letter A
Dream Symbols Letter B
Dream Symbols Letter C
Dream Symbols Letter D Dream Dictionary
Dream Symbols Letter E
Dream Symbols Letter F

G, Dream Symbols on G
H, Dream Symbols on H
I, Dream Symbols on I
J, Dream Symbols on J
K, Dream Symbols on K
L, Dream Symbols on L

M, Dream Symbols on M
N, Dream Symbols on N
O, Dream Symbols on O
P, Dream Symbols on P
Q, Dream Symbols on Q
R, Dream Symbols on R

S, Dream Symbols on S
T, Dream Symbols on T
U, Dream Symbols on U
V, Dream Symbols on V
W, Dream Symbols on W
X, Dream Symbols on X

Y, Dream Symbols on Y
Z, Dream Symbols on Z

How do I use this online dream dictionary?

Step 1 Think of a dream you have had. Write it down (if you haven’t already) including as many details as you can recall. (There is more about how to remember and record dreams later on. Read the dream out loud.

Step 2 While thinking about your dream, choose a dream symbol to work on.

Step 3 Answer the question at the end of your chosen dream symbol. You can write down your answer or tape record it or have someone make notes for you. This is helpful for summing up at the end.

Step 4 Pick your next dream symbol and look it up in the dictionary. Don’t forget to answer the question at the end of the definition.

That’s all there is to it! Deep insights will be triggered as you go through the questions and look within yourself for answers.



Can I use this dream Dictionary for daydreams?

This dreams Dictionary can uncover the powerful messages contained in daydreams, fantasies or guided visualizations. Any imaginative journey where you see, feel, do and talk to whomever you desire or need to, can be interpreted just as easily as a night dream. Before beginning the imaginative journey, some people like to first ask a question or focus on a topic of interest. When you return from your journey, write down whatever you daydreamed or visualized and use the cards just as you do for a night dream.