Dream Interpretation & Integration

Keys to Dream Interpretation

Depending on how long we live, we spend upwards of 20 years of it in the dream world. Surprisingly, few know what these psychic theatrical performances mean. Typically they are so odd we simply let them melt back into our consciousness as we awaken, rarely to be given a second thought. Unless one comes true (clairvoyant dreams) or is so emotionally jarring we feel compelled to ponder it further. In this article Kathleen will guide you through a number of dream interpretation theories. She will discuss how to unlock the meaning of your dreams in order to glean their messages and apply them in our lives for problem-solving, decision making and spiritual insight. Your dreaming mind is your wisest and most objective advisor. Most significantly, it is in the big dreams that we learn who we are and our reason for being here.




This free online dream dictionary of Symbols is user-friendly. It is more than just a list of words with meanings. Each of the twenty-six chapters begins with a sample dream and its interpretation, followed by the new “3-R’s to Dream Integration” method of dreamwork. Icons provide easy identification with each step.



After you have written down what you remember about a dream, the first step is to find relevant associations to words or symbols. Some dreamers prefer to pick 3, 4 or 5 key words, look them up all at once, and then piece all the meanings together. Others prefer to look up one word, think about its meaning then go to the next and so on. Both methods can lead to powerful and insightful meanings for your dream and both are demonstrated throughout this dictionary.



This dream dictionary demonstrates a three step integration process which enables you to activate your dream insights. This new and effective dream integration process ensures that the exploration work you have done on a dream is fully integrated and utilized in your waking life.

The three steps to integrate your dream are: RESPONSE/ACTION, RESULT and REFLECTION. These three R’s build a bridge from your dreams to your waking life.



Uncovering the meaning of a dream is exciting BUT this is only the first step! Once you have gained new insights about your situation, it is essential to incorporate this awareness into your waking life experience. Respond by taking action based upon your dream insight. As you make beneficial changes in your behaviour and circumstances prompted by your dream, you will not only receive the full benefit of doing dream work, but you will also be reinforcing the value of listening to your dreams. This will increase dream recall and stimulate further dreams that are helpful for waking life problem solving.

For example, if Sue learns from her dream interpretation that she makes inappropriate decisions when overtired, she will not benefit from this new knowledge until she acts on it. She needs to review her old habit of making decisions after evening meal, and develop the habit of making them only when she feels alert and rested such as, following her AM beverage.

To benefit fully from any dream interpretation, it is essential to do the RESPONSE/ACTION step. Any action should be guided by the premise of not hurting yourself or another. For example, if you need to express anger, hit a pillow or bed. Write that letter or email telling someone exactly what you think, but don’t mail it. If you are in doubt as to the wisdom of taking a certain action, go over it in your imagination first. This will give you additional information and release more emotion which will lead you to appropriate and effective action.



The second R is to note the RESULTS of your actions over the next few days or weeks. It’s vital to track them, because if you don’t like what is happening, then you can change what you’re doing. When you achieve the results you want, you also have a useful record of the process that brought them about. Reading these notes in later months is also a positive reminder of how far you’ve advanced in your dreamwork. The woman pointing is our icon for results that a dreamer experiences after taking action prompted by the dream insight.



The third R is to REFLECT and summarize your dream exploration experience. This third step makes the process a real and lasting one in your life. Reflection contributes to ongoing growth and change in ourselves and our day-to-day lives. It is an essential ingredient in gaining the most benefit from our dream insights. Reflecting on the process “hard wires” it into our long term memory where it can be easily accessed should we find ourselves in similar circumstances. By anchoring the inner work and the outer action deep in our consciousness, this step also provides closure to the interpretive process.



Following each dream, its interpretation and the 3 R’s to Dream Integration, there is a section called DREAM WISDOM. These are short explanations of dream topics or common dream themes.


How to Arrange an Individual and Spiritual Dream Interpretation with Kathleen

To arrange an individual dream interpretation with Kathleen, make a payment directly using your credit card below.

Processing can take up to 2 hours depending on time of day and internet traffic. Once your payment has been made below, email Kathleen at tarotbykathleen@gmail.com to arrange a time for your individual dream analysis. Kathleen will respond to your payment within 24 hours to arrange an appointment time.

NOTE: Kathleen does NOT make appointments with clients until payments have been received.

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