Dream Analysis Contest Winners

Thank you for being willing to enter our monthly dream analysis contest! Kathleen will pick one dream per month to analyze for free. The dream and interpretation will be posted here on dreamsdictionary.org.

The winner/dreamer who is picked for this free dream interpretation is the person who has answered all the following questions thoroughly and given permission to have the dream and personal information published on the site. You must be 18+ years of age to qualify and all info must be provided in English.

Submit your dream and Kathleen will pick a dream a month to be interpreted and posted.

Dream Submission Form

    1. First Name or Nickname(required)

    2. Email Address (required)

    3. Sex: MF

    4. Date of Birth:

    5. Married or Single: MarriedSingle

    6. Do you have children? How many and their ages.

    7. Country You Presently Reside and Country of Birth:

    8. Religious Affiliations and Beliefs:

    9. What is your past experience with dream interpretation? Studies? Psychotherapy?

    10. Describe briefly what has been troubling you or on your mind lately.

    11. Describe briefly what is true heart’s desire.

    12. Describe what you were doing days leading up to the dream and what you are expecting to happen in the days following this dream.

    13. If you know the characters in the dream in your waking life, describe them and your relationship to them.

    14. How did you feel before going to sleep and how did you feel immediately upon awakening?

    15. Have you had this dream previously or one that was similar? When?

    16. Your Dream

    I agree to all terms and conditions. I give the author of this site permission to reprint all information I have provided to enter this dream interpretation contest if I am the winning dream submission.